Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thankfulness–Day 4

So thankful for electricity and hot running clean water!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thanksgiving–Day 3

So thankful I have a home to come home to everyday.  It isn’t anything that would be special to anyone else, but it is ours and I love having a place to lay my head every night.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thanksgiving–Day 2

So thankful that I have a good job that allows me to help provide for my family.

So thankful that I have the ability to put two feet on the floor every morning and go to work.

So thankful that I have a good mode of transportation to get me to work everyday.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

40 Days of Thankfulness

It is exactly 40 days until Thanksgiving.  I have been thinking about this for a few weeks and want to take each day and elaborate of one thing that I am especially thankful for.  I want this time to empress upon me even the smallest things that I probably take for granted everyday. These will not be listed in any order of importance but just what I come across or in contact with everyday.
Day 1 – I am thankful for my awesome pastor, Pastor Thrasher.  I thoroughly enjoy his services and love to listen to him . . . . he is such a man of God.  But along with that, I am also thankful for the freedom we enjoy to worship how we want.  I realize I don’t know any differently, but have tried to think about what it would be like if we did not have that freedom.  This is one of those things that I think America does take for granted, not on purpose or not even realizing it, but it happens.

I have to come back and edit this earlier post after today's activities.  Thank you Lord for this beautiful part of the world that I get to live in.  Richard and I have been going on Sunday afternoon trails rides in the Ranger down on the leased property.  Here are a few pictures I took today with my iPhone.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I’mmmmmm Back

If I thought I was behind at the first of February, I am really behind now.  I have been told I need to blog.  I have also been feeling that but just didn’t know where to start because I have missed soooo much.  And soooo many important things.  More about that later.

My heart is still so full from this past Mother’s Day weekend.  I will not ever take for granted anymore the fact that all three of my children are “home”, together with me.  Kristin, Brandon, and Griffin came up on Sunday morning for the day.  I cooked a noon meal after church for my momma. Kayla and her family were here along with Tina and her family.  We were missing Megan as she had to work.   IMG_8516Love love love them!

Introducing Mr. Griffin. . . . . 2 months and three weeks here. He is an absolute doll !!IMG_8511

A weekly post is my goal.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Whew . . . . . . .

For the first time since the beginning of the year, I can sit down at night and not feel like things are crashing in on me.  I have been so busy I have not had any extra time but I think I have finally got most everything marked off of my to do list and I am just waiting on little Griffin to get here.

Kristin's baby shower in Russellville was January 22nd.  Kayla was a (the) hostess and I helped her with a whole lot of the decorations and food.  We really had a lot of fun getting stuff together for it.

Then Tina and I hosted Mom and Dad’s 50ieth Wedding Anniversary celebration here at my house on Saturday, February 4th.  Again so much to get together, people to call, and food to prepare.  But again, a wonderful time.

Then on Sunday the 5th, I had a family baby shower for Kristin here at the house since she was “home” for mom and dad’s party.

Oh and as soon as everyone left the shower, Kayla starts ripping the wall paper off of my dining room walls and prepares to re-do my dining room.  Yay!  It needs it so bad but the timing was horrible for me.

Then when I thought I might have some time to sew and getting Kristin’s nursery bedding finished (started), Richard tells me on February 7th that our tax appointment is on the 14th.  Grrrrrrrr. I hate trying to prepare for taxes!  So again, I dropped everything and worked on taxes almost every night until midnight but finally did get everything together by Monday night.

Then I got to start on the bedding!  I finished it up last Tuesday night and now I am ready for Griffin.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012!

I simply cannot stay caught up on blogging. I am always so far behind.  Always seem to be so busy.  And this year appears to be starting out the same way.

My mom and dad’s 50th wedding anniversary is February 2nd.  Tina and I will be hosting an anniversary celebration for them.

I started sewing the curtains for Kristin’s nursery today and still have the bedding to make.  Kayla and I will be working on baby shower stuff as Kristin’s “big” shower in Russellville is January 22nd.  We also want to have her a family shower here at home maybe on the weekend of the 14th as she is having her maternity photo shoot that weekend on Saturday.

Richard and I will be celebrating 30 years of marriage on February 20.

Griffin is due on February 25th.

Little Audrey will be one year old on April 22nd.

I also expect some more exciting news this coming spring.  We will see.

Just a couple of pictures from today. . . . . .     dozer
